If summertime is a bookshelf, we reach the second bookend on Labor Day. President Grover Cleveland signed the legislation that declared Labor Day a national holiday in 1894. Its purpose was to take a break from work and to celebrate those who labor. And work we do. Which is why, this Labor Day, I invite you to spend time doing nothing, which is really something!


We Are A Nation of Overworked Workers

In the 1950s scholars wondered what workers would do with all their leisure time given the pace of technology advancements.

Today we actually wonder where our leisure time has gone.

Recent studies show that the U. S. is nation in the world the most overworked nation in the world —86% of men and 67% of women work more than 40 hours each week.

And we are one of the few countries in the world without a mandated annual leave or vacation.

None of which is good for those who labor.


Doing Nothing Is Really Important

So on this labor day do the one thing we never do enough of – nothing.

Newton’s law of gravity came to him while sitting under an apple tree.  And Einstein used to spend hours sitting and staring into space.

One way of doing nothing is really doing something—sitting around a table with friends and family to enjoy a meal.

Need some ideas for a simple, delicious Labor Day feast?


Recipes for Your Labor Day Feast

Over the summer I’ve shared a number of tasty dishes that could be gathered together as a Labor Day feast.  How about opening with a white bean salad or a sliced tomato salad?  Then serve a main course of shish kebabs.  And, of course, close the meal with a simple dessert, strawberry and amaretto crumble.

No matter the menu, be sure to relax and enjoy the fruits (and foods) of your labors on this day.

This Labor Day, I invite you to spend time doing nothing, which is really something!

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Top 10 Fruits and Vegetables for Weeknight Cooking

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