Top 10 Vegetables and Fruits For Weeknight Cooking

How well do you answer the most important question of the day, “What’s for dinner?”.

Whether you struggle or just need a bit of inspiration, you can’t answer it well without a pantry of fresh fruits and vegetables.

The possibilities are truly endless with just keeping a few staples on hand.


Putting Dinner on the Table During the Week Means Being Prepared

Below is Chef Sandra’s list of Top 10 Fruits and Vegetables for weeknight cooking. You don’t have to have all 10 on hand all the time, but this is a good start to get your creative juices going.

Don’t like or can’t eat some of these due to personal preference or dietary restrictions? No worries! Replace the offending vegetable with your own favorite. You’ll be more likely to cook if you have what you like and enjoy eating on hand.


Chef Sandra’s list of Top 10 Fruits and Vegetables for Weeknight Cooking

ONION | An aromatic and an important ingredient for many dishes; think yellow, white, purple, shallots, green onions, and leeks.

CARROT | One of the most versatile vegetables in the kitchen; can be steamed, sautéed, grilled, roasted and stewed.

CELERY | Can be steamed, sautéed, braised, fried, and eaten raw; used with onion and carrot, called “mirepoix”, as a foundation for soups, stews, and sauces.

BELL PEPPER | Can be sautéed, tossed in a stir fry, grilled, roasted, baked, and eaten raw; the third member of “The Trinity” along with onion and celery used in Creole and Cajun cooking.

GARLIC | A must-have for adding amazing flavor to just about anything; when garlic is added to onion, celery, and bell pepper, it becomes “The Holy Trinity”.

GREENS | The option for a quick salad or a sautéed side dish is a must; think spinach, spring mix, arugula, butter lettuce (for lettuce wraps), kale, collards, and cabbage.

TOMATO | Nothing beats a good tomato sauce or a fresh, in-season tomato simply sliced.

POTATO | Rekindle your love affair with the humble potato of all kinds; bake, fry, boil, steam, roast, and sauté them; explore the world of both starchy and waxy potatoes.

LEMON | A drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice is all you need for a quick salad dressing; and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice will brighten any dish.

GREEN PEAS | (Frozen) Always a nice choice to drop in a soup, sauce, used as a garnish, or on a fresh salad; defrost only what you need.


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Chef Sandra's Top 10 Fruits and Vegetables for Weeknight Cooking

Top 10 Fruits and Vegetables for Weeknight Cooking

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